Learn The Secrets Of *MINDLESS CONTROL* Of Your Prospects In The 21 Day Challenge

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

21 Day Challenge Take Away Day 2

(Stampin up scam)

Stampin Up! is a direct-selling company that offers rubber stamps and paper crafting products through a network of independent contractors called demonstrators. In the last 20 years, Stampin Up! has become one of the top companies in the .

Stampin up Card Samples
Stampin up Cards
Stampin up Samples
Stampin up Ideas
Stampin up Projects
Cards Made with Stampin up
Stampin up Galleries
Examples of Stampin up Cards
Stampin up Sets
Rubber Stamps
Close to My Heart
Creative Memories
Category: Howto & Style

21 Day Challenge Day 3

Hey Guys, This is Gregory Drake and the challenge is in full swing... I have seen video's from a few people touched moved and inspired by what I have at stake in my video's... What I put at stake these 21 days is giving my girlfriend the wedding of her dreams... So 2 Days and 20 Video's later I am still going strong.. I have already shot 4 more video's today and I am not stopping for 21 days... What do you have at stake in your home business? What drives you to makes sure you WEAR YOURSELF OUT in your business? If you can't answer... You are still on the bench... See what I am doing in Action so you too can become cause in the matter of creating the life of your dreams... http://www.youtube.com/21DayChallenge2010 Check it out and join in at my blog! http://easymlmgoldmine21daychallenge.blogspot.com/ Ok... Join in the 21 day challenge and change your life! Gregory Drake EasyMLMGoldmine.com

Monday, January 25, 2010

Easy MLM Goldmine 21 Day Challenge Day 1

Over the next 21 days my vow is to share with you the secrets that people have paid me as much as $3997 just for access to these secrets...

My goal is to prove to myself and my God that I am committed to being a walking reward for 1,000,000 people in and outside the network marketing industry!

MLM.com - Multi-level Marketing - MLM Information - MLM Opportunities -- Offers updated news and information for the network marketing industry including press releases, news articles, and a forum. -- MLM.com - Directory -- Network Marketing Companies. Find MLM opportunities and browse MLM Start Up Information. MLM News-- Usana Board Member Recognized aby Utah Business Magazine. -- Multi-level marketing -- Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a business ... In the most legitimate MLM companies, commissions are earned only on sales. -- What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? -- A business analysis of four major systemic problems with MLM - 1) Market Saturation, 2) Pyramid Structure, 3) Morality and Ethics, and 4) Relationship Costs. -- MLM Watch -- A skeptical guide to multilevel marketing, with articles, legal issues, investigative reports, and government enforcement actions. -- multi-level marketing -- If you are thinking of joining any MLM program, I advise you to first read Dean. EVALUATIONS of MLM or Network Marketing Companies, Based on the "5 Red Flags". -- Mlm Videos -- One of the world's largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips. MLM Network Marketing Residual Income Theft. -- MLM Watchdog MLM IS Good - Scams BAD! MLM Consumer Protection Network. -- MLM Detective Due Diligence Investigations. The oldest blog on the internet is an MLM Blog. MLM is the best home based business. -- MLM - MLM.cc -- MLM reviews, company directory, leads, and training resources for network marketing professionals. Also recommends books covering multi-level, network. DK Totally rocks! Network Marketing is my home based business niche. But it's easier to create a success home business online in other unrelated industries outside of MLM and network marketing.
Category: Howto & Style
Category: Howto & Style
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why The 21 Day Challenge Now!

hey guys,

I am writing this letter to tell you how much of a schmuck I have been...

For months I have been quietly watching the MLM Goldmine faithful who desire to use the strategies they learned from our core group through mlm leads system pro, 7 figure marketing group, and Carbon Copy Pro and have watched and done nothing...




To keep the conversation going and help the thousands of MLM'rs hungry to make there mark in this industry so today I am changing that...

By announcing my 21 day challenge...

This is something you can join in, if you want but my goal is to create 10 video's per day for 21 straight days...

"Brother Drake why this why now?"

Because when I do my coaching I tell everyone... IT TAKES 21 DAYS TO FORM A NEW HABIT...

The possibility I am creating for this 21 days is to create 100 new first time money makers for March with these video's so if you want to join in... Its FREE, Just leave your commitment of what you want to do in this 21 days...

What I am putting at stake is that if I accomplish my goal by the end of 21 days I am going to ask the new love of my life to marry when I get this goal accomplished...

"Greg why are you putting something at stake?"

I told someone I was coaching this week they must become PRESENT TO THE GAME THEY ARE PLAYING... For me I am putting my marriage at stake, for them, THERE LIFE WAS AT STAKE...

I told them to go print off a copy of a CASKET...

And write there obituary and put the date on it 4-15-2010...

They did it and it woke them up and they started playing full out in the game, immediately...

For me, I have not been playing the game full out in months so this is what is at stake for me..

So if you want to join in please feel free I will be creating my channells toinght called 21dayChallenge...

To your success!

Gregory Drake