Learn The Secrets Of *MINDLESS CONTROL* Of Your Prospects In The 21 Day Challenge

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why The 21 Day Challenge Now!

hey guys,

I am writing this letter to tell you how much of a schmuck I have been...

For months I have been quietly watching the MLM Goldmine faithful who desire to use the strategies they learned from our core group through mlm leads system pro, 7 figure marketing group, and Carbon Copy Pro and have watched and done nothing...




To keep the conversation going and help the thousands of MLM'rs hungry to make there mark in this industry so today I am changing that...

By announcing my 21 day challenge...

This is something you can join in, if you want but my goal is to create 10 video's per day for 21 straight days...

"Brother Drake why this why now?"

Because when I do my coaching I tell everyone... IT TAKES 21 DAYS TO FORM A NEW HABIT...

The possibility I am creating for this 21 days is to create 100 new first time money makers for March with these video's so if you want to join in... Its FREE, Just leave your commitment of what you want to do in this 21 days...

What I am putting at stake is that if I accomplish my goal by the end of 21 days I am going to ask the new love of my life to marry when I get this goal accomplished...

"Greg why are you putting something at stake?"

I told someone I was coaching this week they must become PRESENT TO THE GAME THEY ARE PLAYING... For me I am putting my marriage at stake, for them, THERE LIFE WAS AT STAKE...

I told them to go print off a copy of a CASKET...

And write there obituary and put the date on it 4-15-2010...

They did it and it woke them up and they started playing full out in the game, immediately...

For me, I have not been playing the game full out in months so this is what is at stake for me..

So if you want to join in please feel free I will be creating my channells toinght called 21dayChallenge...

To your success!

Gregory Drake


  1. Hay, greg i am in. I want to help 10 people become Leaders in my company by 4-15-10 and i would love to be apart of this ( You asking the new love of your life to marry )

    Thanks for all tour help

    Derrick Esmond

  2. Greg, I am up for the challenge. It is my goal to get 8 money making leaders by April 15, 2010. You are such a blessing to us all. Make sure I get a wedding invitation. Wink

    Blessings to you
    Sylvia Williams

  3. SMART
    c bte
